Tuesday, March 28, 2017




updown control

<div id="sns20170324f1250updownpanel">
<div class="sns20170324f1250uppermotion" onmouseover="javascript:sns20170324f1250('start up motion')"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250lowermotion" onmouseover="javascript:sns20170324f1250('start down motion')"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250upperspeed" onmouseover="javascript:sns20170324f1250('faster updown motion')"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250lowerspeed" onmouseover="javascript:sns20170324f1250('slower updown motion')"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250stop" onmouseover="javascript:sns20170324f1250('stop updown motion')"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250speed" id="sns20170324f1250updownspeed"></div>

attempting to move forward

maybe if i break it down into panels
updown          leftright               plusminus

<div style="position:absolute;left:100px;top:50px;width:200px;height:100px;background-color:pink">

<div id="sns20170324f1250updownpanel">
<div class="sns20170324f1250uppermotion"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250lowermotion"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250upperspeed"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250lowerspeed"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250stop"></div></div>
<div id="sns20170324f1250leftrightpanel">
<div class="sns20170324f1250uppermotion"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250lowermotion"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250upperspeed"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250leftrightslower"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250stop"></div></div>
<div id="sns20170324f1250plusminuspanel">
<div class="sns20170324f1250uppermotion"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250lowermotion"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250upperspeed"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250lowerspeed"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250stop"></div></div>

#sns20170324f1250updownpanel {position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:33.33%;height:100%}
#sns20170324f1250leftrightpanel {position:absolute;left:33.33%;top:0%;width:33.33%;height:100%}
#sns20170324f1250plusminuspanel {position:absolute;left:66.66%;top:0%;width:33.33%;height:100%}
.sns20170324f1250uppermotion {position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:66.66%;height:20%;background-color:lightgrey}
.sns20170324f1250lowermotion {position:absolute;left:0%;bottom:0%;width:66.66%;height:20%;background-color:lightgrey}
.sns20170324f1250upperspeed {position:absolute;left:66.66%;top:20%;width:33.33%;height:15%;background-color:lightgrey}
.sns20170324f1250lowerspeed {position:absolute;left:66.66%;bottom:20%;width:33.33%;height:15%;background-color:lightgrey}
.sns20170324f1250stop {position:absolute;left:0%;top:50%;width:33.33%;height:15%;background-color:lightgrey}
.sns20170324f1250speed {position:absolute;left:66.66%;top:50%;width:33.33%;height:15%;background-color:lightgrey}</style>


mi reading


Chang vs LendlShionobeans the Bean in Japan talking with Bruce Donnie Yen! Ma Lin.first solo flight (sex tape)ad lib, morning, me, care to ... 4u ... crazy days
full match
oroville update banned cars
pull up and pull down
quincy larson's alarmist creed


Monday, March 27, 2017

new epoch


    robot kits
    3-31 fmi reading


So ...


So ...

as soon as I start shooting a video that video should start uploading to the cloud ... to one of my places on the cloud. that should be just a given and an absolute. and by the time i'm done shooting the video some version of all of it should be in the cloud, ideally. but internet connections can be faster or slower, and more or less expensive, so the uploading of parts of the video can be put off 'till later. this doesn't result in missing frames, or, at any rate, in large missing sections, it just reduces the resolution of what first gets uploaded.

that all is easy. now it gets tough. the device that is capturing the video ought to be, itself, able to store thousands of hours of (fairly low resolution) video. a suggested option is an iPod Touch with maximum hard drive capacity. but if the device doesn't have that kind of memory, some kind of, i guess, algorithm, needs to delete stuff that seems, i don't know, less essential. maybe even if it does.

definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely even if it does


post mytosis


Organization has become Organization and ...
there's a problem. they belong together, but they are unreadable together

Just reminded ... I would like to set up an Android phone as a kiosk ... i could give it to somebody and there would be an app running, and they could use that app, but either they can't exit the app or, if they do, a login is required to get back into apps ... or ... making things even more interesting ... there could be a little account they can access ... they can use the phone ... maybe it's pre-loaded with some apps ... they just can't access another account on the same phone ... ?

the main thing i want 2 do with that is sccreensharing, in lieu of an overhead monitor
oh, for crying out loud ... they could log in to view my screen from an app on their own phone
or, more importantly, (iPad ...) tablet
but it would be nice if i could give them a device ...
which returns us to the kiosk problem
well, they could log in from their laptops ... yeah ...


to organize means, ultimately, to divide into parts ... which sounds so strange ...
and then to connect those parts together using some kind of set of rules
really, is it dividing? that sounds barbaric ... which is completely silly ... but
i've thought of an alternative notion for sensitive souls
it's creating ... parts

Blogger creates parts.
Blogger connects parts together.




to organize means, ultimately, to divide into parts ... which sounds so strange ...
and then to connect those parts together using some kind of set of rules
really, is it dividing? that sounds barbaric ... which is completely silly ... but
i've thought of an alternative notion for sensitive souls
it's creating ... parts

Blogger creates parts.
Blogger connects parts together.


Just reminded ... I would like to set up an Android phone as a kiosk ... i could give it to somebody and there would be an app running, and they could use that app, but either they can't exit the app or, if they do, a login is required to get back into apps ... or ... making things even more interesting ... there could be a little account they can access ... they can use the phone ... maybe it's pre-loaded with some apps ... they just can't access another account on the same phone ... ?

the main thing i want 2 do with that is sccreensharing, in lieu of an overhead monitor
oh, for crying out loud ... they could log in to view my screen from an app on their own phone
or, more importantly, (iPad ...) tablet
but it would be nice if i could give them a device ...
which returns us to the kiosk problem
well, they could log in from their laptops ... yeah ...



Just reminded ... I would like to set up an Android phone as a kiosk ... i could give it to somebody and there would be an app running, and they could use that app, but either they can't exit the app or, if they do, a login is required to get back into apps ... or ... making things even more interesting ... there could be a little account they can access ... they can use the phone ... maybe it's pre-loaded with some apps ... they just can't access another account on the same phone ... ?

the main thing i want 2 do with that is sccreensharing, in lieu of an overhead monitor
oh, for crying out loud ... they could log in to view my screen from an app on their own phone
or, more importantly, (iPad ...) tablet
but it would be nice if i could give them a device ...
which returns us to the kiosk problem
well, they could log in from their laptops ... yeah ...


to organize means, ultimately, to divide into parts ... which sounds so strange ...
and then to connect those parts together using some kind of set of rules
really, is it dividing? that sounds barbaric ... which is completely silly ... but
i've thought of an alternative notion for sensitive souls
it's creating ... parts

Blogger creates parts.
Blogger connects parts together.




in Blogger ... if you can think what that could mean ...
when you're logged in
and you go to your Blog
you are logged into the most powerful editing environment in computing


an hour


decided to buy a Kindle
sort of a no brainer
i want to do more reading!
bought it at Best Buy ... that was fun

carefully logging the whole setup process
and about the second thing is ... well ... a password thing
not my Amazon password
but i know i'm gonna need that soon

thus the note
 took me an hour to retrieve my Amazon password, which is a very good thing!                buy your Kindle via this affiliate link ... ?!



I'm trying to break my project down into smaller parts.

The first part I've identified is an app ... on my phone, I would go to it, and it would allow me to maintain a list of authorized users within my organization.

It's actually a list of authorized devices, and members of my organization will each have one or more athorized devices.

The list is stored on the cloud ... and on my device. This means I need to create a (secure) location on the Web ... prefarably for free ... if you have suggestions about that*.

For context, the next part is, each team member's device is equipped with an app they can use to take a picture, and that picture gets uploaded, of course automatically, to a (secure) location on the Web ... I mean ... the Cloud ... when I say that.

More than anything (as you can sort of see), this is as a way to familiarize myself with the technology. Still, I need a way to test whether the thing is working. As a way to make that fun, maybe this: all the uploaded images get embedded in a web page, as thumbnails, so I (or anyone else) can go to that page and see the images. Well, actually, maybe I'm not ready to go that far. How about this: on my phone is an app that gets a page of thumbnails from the Cloud location. I can give the app to anyone, but their app on their device would require authorization, which will by checked by the first part, blah blah blah, to see the pictures.

* I think I've read that cloud services providers offer free accounts for testing ideas and the like.

Friday, March 24, 2017

custom metal




battery questions


battery holders

battery testers

battery chargers

an attempt at rationalization

the zoomer moves an element relative to ... its parent ... and ... the screen

a body of information controls the action of the zoomer
once that action has been started

should the action continue?

the action is motion in three directions
motion in each direction can be positive or negative
and faster or slower

motion can apply to (in a sense) any element

a motion panel sets motion parameters and starts or stops motion

zoomer notes


attempting to move forward
an attempt at rationalization
a difficult introduction


a difficult introduction

function sns20170324f1111(request) {

function getwhattomove() {
return document.getElementById("sns20170324f1111whattomove")}
function getspeed() {
return document.getElementById("sns20170324f1111speed")}
function getmotion() {
return document.getElementById("sns20170324f1111motion")}
function getdirection() {
return document.getElementById("sns20170324f1111direction")}
function getframe() {
return document.getElementById(getwhattomove())}

function startmotion() {
getmotion.innerHTML = 1
function stopmotion() {getmotion.innerHTML = 0}

function move() {
if (getmotion.innerHTML === "1") {updown();leftright();plusminus()}
setTimeout (move,100)}

function up() {
var frame = getframe()
var pos = frame.style.top[frame.style.top.length - 1]
frame.style.top = (frame.style.top - getspeed()) + pos}

function updown() {
var frame = getframe()
var speed = parseFloat(getupdownspeed().innerHTML)
frame.style.top = frame.style.top + speed}

OK, what's the logic, here?
the state of motion is stored in some elements
the what to move element
and i think three direction elements: updown, leftright, and plusminus
and a speed element

the move function calls updown(), leftright(), and plusminus() if (getmotion.innerHTML === "1")
then calls itself again


So, the elements that store motion information are:
<div id="sns20170324f1111motion"></div>
<div id="sns20170324f1111speed"></div>
it could be done as an array ... as arrays ...
there are three speeds, updownspeed, leftrightspeed, and plusminusspeed
there are three directions, plusminusdirection ...
oh, but negative and positive speed values indicate direction

in that case:
<div id="sns20170324f1111updownspeed"></div>
<div id="sns20170324f1111leftrightspeed"></div>
<div id="sns20170324f1111plusminusspeed"></div>
(will be easier)

let's think about how motion gets ... adjusted
eight buttons: up, down, left, right, plus, minus, faster, and slower

too complicated

the up button should start up motion at the ... oh no ...
ok, there's one speed for all motion

wait ... wait!

i've always fantasized there would be a separate speed control for each motion

} // sns20170324f1111

mi phantasy

mi phantasy
is 2 collect
of conversations
in many languages



<input id="sns20170324f1214i" />
<a href="javascript:sns20170324f1214()" style="color: greenyellow; font-size: 2em;">apply</a>
<br />
<div id="sns20170324f1214f" style="height: 400px; left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 100px; width: 600px;">

function sns20170324f1214() {
document.getElementById("sns20170324f1214f").innerHTML = document.getElementById("sns20170324f1214i").value}


<div style="position:absolute;left:100px;top:50px;width:200px;height:100px;background-color:pink">

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<div class="sns20170324f1250lowermotion"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250upperspeed"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250lowerspeed"></div></div>
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<div class="sns20170324f1250lowermotion"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250upperspeed"></div>
<div class="sns20170324f1250leftrightslower"></div></div>
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<div class="sns20170324f1250lowermotion"></div>
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.sns20170324f1250lowermotion {position:absolute;left:0%;bottom:0%;width:66.66%;height:20%;background-color:lightgrey}
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.sns20170324f1250lowerspeed {position:absolute;left:66.66%;bottom:20%;width:33.33%;height:15%;background-color:lightgrey}


<div style="position:absolute;left:100px;top:50px;width:200px;height:100px;background-color:pink">

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<div class="sns20170324f1250uppermotion"></div><div>

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.sns20170324f1250uppermotion {position:absolute;left:0%;top:0%;width:66.66%;height:20%;background-color:lightgrey}
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Thursday, March 23, 2017


The ultimate project would be 2 invest in as many of these as you possibly could ... dozens and dozens of them. If u were a working person and could put quite a few hundreds of dollars into stocks every month, say, just keep buying. Buy lots of different stocks every month. Buy a stock and then buy some more any time u want. If you kind of like the fundamentals, if it sort of looks to you like the company might be able to solve its problems, if the stock appears to be cheap, buy some.

The premise is, to some extent, that u r looking for more wildly fluctuating situations, so as to make money faster, but then u must be looking at ... less explicitly perfect financial situations ... and they become more of a gamble ... gambles. The actual feeler question is, what are the chances of survival? Also, what does the ten year chart look like? There's a kind of chart that's riding along the bottom, even though it once was lofty. You had definitely best think about the fundamentals on that one, whereas if the ten year chart is up and down, up and down, all the way to the top and the bottom, most of the way to the top and bottom, maybe it's better.

At any rate to the extent this is a science it is based on one thing: waiting. Maybe you will nail one, and then another, and they'll pop right up, but u might also have to wait. U could have to wait and wait. Maybe this and that one will go down ... but maybe, with something in place about the fundamentals, it won't go down 2 much.

U r buying something and then waiting. U only want 2 sell when u have a really big profit. If it pops right up and u have a really big profit, maybe u want 2 sell it. U can tell. If u still really like the cmpany, and the stock, maybe u hold it. Then, if u do, u hold it, then u hold it doggedly. U ride out the market fluctuations, a la Charlie Munger. The slow pace of the program might let u reassess, without it being a disaster. Ur 1 that went down, maybe u reassess ... and maybe you reassess on the positive side ... u hold it ... or maybe u decide 2 get out. Mind u this is all speculation and dreaming.

As u pursue this u will get to know more and more companies. Maybe some day u will know that u really really like some of them. Then u can hold them for decades and becm really really rich.


Let me take care of some of the preliminaries first. The stock is ALCO. The company makes ... it's in the business of farming, somehow. It buys, sells, and operates farm land, something like that. It's moderately large, just above small, barely above small, OK? It has a spotless earnings record though it's at the top end of cheap, or a little above that. It has some debt, negative current ratio, it's a bit leveraged. The chart is great ... never sure if that means anything, but it's really cool.

here's the context


Looking at the different excuses I could use to think that a particular company is a good investment and almost concluding that consistent profitability trumps everything. And wasn't Buffett asked "What makes a good investment?" and didn't he answer "Well, it makes money." Now, did he mean, idiotically, it makes money for him, or for you? I don't think so. I think that by "makes money" he meant in the accounting sense: the company you are investing in is profitable.


Now, if you read Graham, there are other things he says to look at. For example, maybe the company makes money, but maybe its share aren't cheap. Cheapness is, in the abstract, a measure of how much money the company "makes". The company might make money, but not make a lot of money, only make a little money ... "little" ... how do you define that? ... at any rate, it's relative to what you can get the share for. Perhaps it would be better to buy the shares of a company that makes a lot of money, somehow, relative to what you can get those share for than one that only makes a little, like that. And then there are more things to check. How is the company's current account? Is the company leveraged? Oh, by the way, do you like what they do? So, it gets complicated.

Here is a chart. The company consistently makes money. What we're interested in is the situation in mid 2015, for obvious reasons, but, would it have been obvious at the time? Well, the stock was down down down right then ... and it consistently makes money. Making money is an accounting term. Year after year the company's revenues exceed its expenses ... and the excess amount accrues to the company's bottom line. Now, in mid 2015, ALB was making, by extrapolation, $2.50 a share in profits (on two and a half billion dollars of specialty chemical revenues), so at $25 (a share) it would have been very cheap, but it was selling at $42 ... which is still actually cheap, or, at any rate, reasonable.

What are we looking at, here?

We would have been looking at this, it, ALB, because it was down sharply. Then we would have noticed that it was reasonably priced and consistently made money - consistently means year after year, making money means Earnings, positive Earnings or Net Income, same thing, positive Net Income. So there.

Then we would have noticed that the company is quite leveraged, which, in a sense, Graham says is to be avoided. But I'm starting to wonder. It's not even that ... I've been wondering ... I mean, I'm somewhat leveraged myself.* Is that supposed to be a bad thing? I mean, aren't most people somewhat leveraged? What's more, it seems to me smart people are more leveraged than us dumbos! Of course, really stupid people are leveraged all the time, and to the hilt, and then they get their comeuppance, and all sorts of innocents suffer with them, or even for them, but we're talking about moderation, now ... and not propriety ... right? So if this company makes money year after year, and some leverage seems to be part of its business model ... and it's huge, the company, and impressive ... maybe we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

It was down, down on the year, or on the half year, and now dipping sharply. By the end of September it had even made an interesting candle, on the monthly chart. This was near, price wise, sort of, a prominent low of some years before, and the whole ten year chart was a big flag, meaning up and down big and above earlier ... an earlier price range. It would have made us feel it could be a good thing, and then it would have turned out it was a vary big and consistently profitable company trading at a reasonable price (relative to earnings ...) ... with debt. Debt is a bad thing?

OK, well, the result, at least for now, is history.

* It's not just that. And it's not just that leverage can be, apparently, put to good use. I mean, it is that ... leverage exists for a reason ... some companies might have a reason to finance their operations through the issue of bonds. I don't really understand it. It seems to me lots of companies that are leveraged do well ... the shares do well. Sometimes, when I'm looking at financial statements, it feels like the company's debt might make sense, just be a part of normal operations. I can't actually tell ... but ... if things are going along like that year after year after year ... and maybe not even changing that much (I'm wary of explosive growth ... not that I'm not interested ... I'm thinking some kind of sense of consistency to what's going on might be more important than almost anything ...) ... then it starts to look like normal course of operations ... If, then ... in the course of normal operations ... the company makes money ...

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

more hoppy pictures

oh just click the first image
it really freaked me out. i think i'm regarded as being hoppy ... i ... um ... i ... thought you were talking about me

Sunday, March 19, 2017



the Holocene
Crazy Days
Sol ...
the gal ...
the U ...
chronos page
can i do it ... (?)
and yet ...
(other) time spans
bubbles ...
what about ...